my beautiful life

my beautiful life
Everybody is unique.

Senin, 27 Februari 2012

What a Shock!

                                                            It's Sunday!
I was so tired today.
Mom visited me and we went shopping. 
I got much money today.
I went to my uncle's house at night.

do you know what did he say?
" There are two choices if your GPA is not more than 3,00 : GET OUT from that university or Do SUICIDE".

*Speechless!  (especially my brother).

4 komentar:

ntimuth mengatakan...

so, study hard!

Rahmadatul Radhiya mengatakan...

do not force yourself..
let it flows like water in the river...


Anonim mengatakan...

hahaha .
I am speechless too ranti :/

I know what you feel .
But, you can't force your self .
Let it flow .
I know you can do your best .


ntimuth mengatakan...

why almost everyone always force me??