my beautiful life

my beautiful life
Everybody is unique.

Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

Positive Thinking!

what a nice morning!
today, i'll talk about "positive thinking".

Everyone always says those words in the daily life. But, it's just easy to say, it isn't easy to do. hahaha
I always try to keep positive thinking in my life. I always look everything from the good side ( even sometimes i look it from the bad side, heheehe).

"Don't judge the book from its cover".
I think you all know that proverb.
okay, let me give you an example.
Internet. but let's just focus on social network especially facebook.
some people say that it's useless, just wasting our time. there were also some cases that caused by facebook. some kids/adult went away from home because of facebook. they went with the people that they knew from facebook. Some people blaming  facebook in this case!
What a shame! how come they blame facebook in this case?? this case won't happened if we can protect ourselves well. everything that happened is our own fault, no need to blame other.

keep positive thinking!
can you see the good side of facebook rather than wasting time??
if you ask me, i'll say YES!
I got some amazing friends on facebook. We share so many things on facebook. I also got some new knowledge from my friends over there. I can learn English well with my foreign friends. hahaha
There are so many things that i got from facebook, and it's useful for me.
Some of my friends say that I'm addicted to facebook. hahaha
I won't be angry for that judgment. They just don't know what i'm doing on facebook. later, if they know that i do so many useful activities on facebook, they'll stop complaining about it.
I just keep positive thinking.

Well my friends, that's all for today.
Keep POSITIVE THINKING for a better life!

8 komentar:

MiLLa MuLtin mengatakan...

i do agree with you ranti,,,
almost people just judge someone by the cover..
but sometimes i think like that too...
but i'll try to change my mind after read your posting today...

ntimuth mengatakan...

that's nice, mila.
i'm happy if you can change your mind after read this posting.

Adnan Chucklaz mengatakan...

yes, it is a good posting...
i hope I can get some lessons from your posting..
thank you Ranti..

ntimuth mengatakan...

my pleasure, adnan.
we can share anything here.I'll share my experiences that will be so useful for everyone.
Keep your spirit, guys!

muhamad sabil mengatakan...

ok Ranti I also agree with your opinion..
don't judge the book from the cover..
and we have to think positive to make all around us become positive too to us..

Giyaerinaa mengatakan...

Hi Jeng Ranti,.
Over all, I agree with you..
we need to have positive thinking to get a postive one..
just improve it,.

ntimuth mengatakan...

Keep being positive thinking, my beloved classmates!!

Anonim mengatakan...

haha .
I agree with you jeng ranti :)

we must positive thinking, right?