Corporal punishment has been used in schools in the past, it is accepted in the educational profession. Beating with a stick, slapping of the head, and pinching are some examples of corporal punishment in schools. It says that corporal punishment is necessary to teach children respect and discipline. It is wrong. Discipline is not based on force, but grows from understanding, mutual respects, and tolerance. Corporal punishment in school should be stopped because it just tells nothing about how they should behave.
Senin, 21 November 2011
Jumat, 18 November 2011
I'm confused and dizzy
last night I had a strange dream. I got married in that dream, and my husband was someone that really impossible will be my partner life. hahahahahaha
I know him well, not really well.
he is older than me and he will be a doctor later. yeah, he is a smart and handsome boy. but, i never hope that he will be mine, never. then, how come he was in my dream?? i never think of him, never...
i also know that he has a girlfriend. it's impossible that he like or love me, soooo impossible.
oh, what does it mean?? what?? is it a sign or just a dream??
but, why i feel that dream is really real?? i feel it's real, i can feel it. i also saw my mom in that dream.
Oh, Allah...
what does it mean????
should i tell it to my beloved mom??
huh, just let it flow....
it's my life, my beautiful life....
# kalo emang bener2 ntu orang yg akan jd my husband kelak, pasti keren tuh. hahahahaahahha
last night I had a strange dream. I got married in that dream, and my husband was someone that really impossible will be my partner life. hahahahahaha
I know him well, not really well.
he is older than me and he will be a doctor later. yeah, he is a smart and handsome boy. but, i never hope that he will be mine, never. then, how come he was in my dream?? i never think of him, never...
i also know that he has a girlfriend. it's impossible that he like or love me, soooo impossible.
oh, what does it mean?? what?? is it a sign or just a dream??
but, why i feel that dream is really real?? i feel it's real, i can feel it. i also saw my mom in that dream.
Oh, Allah...
what does it mean????
should i tell it to my beloved mom??
huh, just let it flow....
it's my life, my beautiful life....
# kalo emang bener2 ntu orang yg akan jd my husband kelak, pasti keren tuh. hahahahaahahha
Selasa, 08 November 2011
All about telecommunication
Ibu penjual atap rumbia ini sedang menelepon pelanggannya. Tarif telekomunikasi yang murah membuatnya tidak perlu khawatir menelepon para pelanggannya.
Sinyal XL menjangkau sampai ke pelosok negeri.
Sinyal yang bagus membuat telekomunikasi lancar di saat yang mendesak.
Disaat sibukpun, telekomunikasi tetap jalan terus.
Di saat genting seperti ini, sinyal telekomunikasi yang bagus sangat diperlukan.
Rabu, 02 November 2011
Hey, everyone….!
Here is an exposition essay that taken from a book. It’s a really good essay that why I posting this essay here. I like this essay so much. Enjoy it…..
Most people want their descendents to have a comfortable life. However, we have already consumed many of our natural resources in order to provide a comfortable life for ourselves without often thinking of the consequences for the future. Only very recently have we begun to understand the environmental destruction that we have caused and to fear the effect that this destruction will have on our descendants. American seems to be especially concerned about their environment. They recycle their newspapers and aluminum soda pop cans, and many now bike to work instead of driving because they think that these measures will solve environmental problem. On the contrary, despite these measures, Americans remain very wasteful. There are many things that Americans could do to help solve one of the major environmental problem-saving the forests. Rather than recycle, Americans need to change their attitudes toward using paper.
Americans might be surprised to learn that their attitude toward paper use is quite wasteful. For instance, many people take a lot of paper napkins at fast food restaurants or cafeterias, and they rarely use as many as they take. Additionally, they use too many paper towels in public bathrooms. They also waste paper when they write. It seems that they like to write memos for messages that are unimportant or could be communicated in other ways, often using big pieces of paper for short messages. Further, there a lot of “junk mail” delivered that is never read but only thrown away.
Some Americans feel that they are really trying to help save the forests by recycling the paper that they use. However, recycling is not the real answer to the problem. A report from the Forest Resources Project explains that “recycling vast amount of paper could do more harm than good to environment”. One obvious detriment of recycling is the increased air pollution it causes. Further, it is very expensive to recycle. Most people are unaware that it takes seventeen mature trees to make one ton of paper. However, when this amount recycle is only one tenth of the original paper is produced. Therefore, recycling is actually not very efficient for the amount of money spent on it.
Rather than recycling the forest, Americans could help to save the forests by conserving the amount of paper they use in the first place. First, they should only take as many paper napkins as they need, or they should use cloth napkins. In additional, they could bring handkerchiefs to the public bathrooms, as in the custom in other countries. This could save great amounts of paper. Further, they could tell their messages to people directly or send them by electronic mail instead of writing memos. Moreover, if they don’t read their junk mail, they can have their names remove from junk mail listings. These measures will save more trees from becoming paper. If we really think about defending the forests, we realize that changing our attitude about paper usage is the only way to really save the trees.
Here is an exposition essay that taken from a book. It’s a really good essay that why I posting this essay here. I like this essay so much. Enjoy it…..
Defend the Forest
Americans might be surprised to learn that their attitude toward paper use is quite wasteful. For instance, many people take a lot of paper napkins at fast food restaurants or cafeterias, and they rarely use as many as they take. Additionally, they use too many paper towels in public bathrooms. They also waste paper when they write. It seems that they like to write memos for messages that are unimportant or could be communicated in other ways, often using big pieces of paper for short messages. Further, there a lot of “junk mail” delivered that is never read but only thrown away.
Some Americans feel that they are really trying to help save the forests by recycling the paper that they use. However, recycling is not the real answer to the problem. A report from the Forest Resources Project explains that “recycling vast amount of paper could do more harm than good to environment”. One obvious detriment of recycling is the increased air pollution it causes. Further, it is very expensive to recycle. Most people are unaware that it takes seventeen mature trees to make one ton of paper. However, when this amount recycle is only one tenth of the original paper is produced. Therefore, recycling is actually not very efficient for the amount of money spent on it.
Rather than recycling the forest, Americans could help to save the forests by conserving the amount of paper they use in the first place. First, they should only take as many paper napkins as they need, or they should use cloth napkins. In additional, they could bring handkerchiefs to the public bathrooms, as in the custom in other countries. This could save great amounts of paper. Further, they could tell their messages to people directly or send them by electronic mail instead of writing memos. Moreover, if they don’t read their junk mail, they can have their names remove from junk mail listings. These measures will save more trees from becoming paper. If we really think about defending the forests, we realize that changing our attitude about paper usage is the only way to really save the trees.
Beri Aku Hidup Mama.....
Mama, aku tahu kau sangat mencintaiku,
Doamu selalu menyertaiku di setiap langkahku,
Aku tahu aku adalah segala-galanya bagimu,
Kau inginkan yang terbaik untukku,
Kau tak akan biarkan seorangpun menyakitiku,
Aku tahu kau sangat khawatir saat aku tak berada di dekatmu,
Kini, perlahan aku beranjak dewasa,
Aku telah bisa melihat kemana arah hidupku,
Begitu banyak pilihan hidup yang bisa aku pilih,
Aku ingin sekali memilih satu diantaranya,
Pilihan yang akan membuatku merasakan damainya hidup ini,
Pilihan yang membuat aku sadar betapa luasnya dunia ini,
Pilihan yang membuatku bisa terbang melambung tinggi ke angkasa,
Akan kukepakkan sayap emasku,
Akan kutunjukkan pada siapapun bahwa akulah Sang Rajawali,
Tapi, Kau mengekangku, mamaku tersayang,
Kau mengikatku dalam rengkulanmu,
Kau atur semua skenario hidupku,
Kau pilih hidup yang menurutmu baik untukku,
Kau lakukan tanpa menanyaiku apakah aku menyukainya,
Ya, kau menginginkan yang terbaik untukku,
Aku ikuti skenariomu mama,
Aku ikuti walaupun sama sekali tak aku sukai,
Aku tak ingin membuatmu sedih ataupun kecewa,
Aku tak ingin durhaka padamu,
Kau atur semua schedules hidupku,
Bahagiamu bahagiaku, mama…….
Bahagiaku bukan bahagiamu, mama.
Aku inginkan hidupku, mama.
Kembalikan hidupku padaku, mama.
Tolong beri aku hidup, mama.
Aku tak sanggup dan sama sekali tak bisa lagi menjalani semua skenario yang kau buat, mama.
Aku tak sanggup hidup dalam kepura-puraan ini, mama.
Jangan rampas hidupku, mama.
Mana “hidupku”, mama????
Biarkan aku memilih hidupku, mama.
Mama, mama, mama.
Aku inginkan “hidupku”.
Doamu selalu menyertaiku di setiap langkahku,
Aku tahu aku adalah segala-galanya bagimu,
Kau inginkan yang terbaik untukku,
Kau tak akan biarkan seorangpun menyakitiku,
Aku tahu kau sangat khawatir saat aku tak berada di dekatmu,
Kini, perlahan aku beranjak dewasa,
Aku telah bisa melihat kemana arah hidupku,
Begitu banyak pilihan hidup yang bisa aku pilih,
Aku ingin sekali memilih satu diantaranya,
Pilihan yang akan membuatku merasakan damainya hidup ini,
Pilihan yang membuat aku sadar betapa luasnya dunia ini,
Pilihan yang membuatku bisa terbang melambung tinggi ke angkasa,
Akan kukepakkan sayap emasku,
Akan kutunjukkan pada siapapun bahwa akulah Sang Rajawali,
Tapi, Kau mengekangku, mamaku tersayang,
Kau mengikatku dalam rengkulanmu,
Kau atur semua skenario hidupku,
Kau pilih hidup yang menurutmu baik untukku,
Kau lakukan tanpa menanyaiku apakah aku menyukainya,
Ya, kau menginginkan yang terbaik untukku,
Aku ikuti skenariomu mama,
Aku ikuti walaupun sama sekali tak aku sukai,
Aku tak ingin membuatmu sedih ataupun kecewa,
Aku tak ingin durhaka padamu,
Kau atur semua schedules hidupku,
Bahagiamu bahagiaku, mama…….
Bahagiaku bukan bahagiamu, mama.
Aku inginkan hidupku, mama.
Kembalikan hidupku padaku, mama.
Tolong beri aku hidup, mama.
Aku tak sanggup dan sama sekali tak bisa lagi menjalani semua skenario yang kau buat, mama.
Aku tak sanggup hidup dalam kepura-puraan ini, mama.
Jangan rampas hidupku, mama.
Mana “hidupku”, mama????
Biarkan aku memilih hidupku, mama.
Mama, mama, mama.
Aku inginkan “hidupku”.
Senin, 31 Oktober 2011
Dimana Kamu Sinyal?
Teknologi berkembang pesat saat ini. Teknologi ada di sekitar kita. Demikian pula dengan telekomunikasi. Semua orang butuh komunikasi. Zaman sekarang komunikasi sangatlah penting. Hampir semua masyarakat Indonesia menggunakan hp sebagai alat telekomunikasi. Mereka bisa berkomunikasi dengan orang yang mereka inginkan dimanapun dan kapanpun meskipun jarak yang sangat jauh memisahkan. Namun, tidak semua masyarakat Indonesia bisa menikmati layanan tersebut, terutama bagi yang tinggal di wilayah terpencil dan daerah perbatasan. Sepertinya hal ini tidaklah adil. Mereka sulit bahkan tidak bisa menikmati teknologi telekomunikasi yang telah berkembang pesat. Mereka jadi susah untuk bertelekomunikasi dengan orang yang jauh dari mereka. Pembangunan jaringan dan penyediaan layanan jasa telekomunikasi di wilayah terpencil dan daerah perbatasan melalui dana dari operator telekomunikasi merupakan ide yang brilian dalam hal ini.
Begitu banyak kekurangan yang kita dapati kalau kita tinggal di daerah perbatasan apalagi kalau daerah terpencil. Semuanya serba susah. Dalam hal ini saya akan menyinggung tentang telekomunikasi. Telekomunikasi merupakan hal yang sangat mereka perlukan. Mereka tinggal jauh dari pusat kota, jauh dari keramain. Telekomunikasi merupakan salah satu hal yang mereka perlukan selain transportasi. Dengan adanya telekomunikasi yang bagus dan lancar, setidaknya masalah yang mereka hadapi sebagai “orang pinggiran” bisa sedikit berkurang. Biasanya di daerah ini layanan telepon rumah tidak ada karena terkendala jarak yang jauh. Hp merupakan satu-satunya alternatif untuk bertelekomunikasi bagi yang tinggal di daerah ini.
Namun, biasanya jaringan dan penyediaan jasa telekomunikasi yang baik dan berkualitas hanya hanya terpusat di pusat kota. Daerah terpencil dan perbatasan hanya dapat sedikit “percikan sinyal” yang nyasar dari pusat kota. Saya tahu baik semua masalah ini karena saya tinggal di daerah perbatasan. Saya mewakili suara orang-orang yang tinggal di perbatasan. Memang banyak kendala yang harus kami hadapi karena tinggal di perbatasan. Kami sering terlambat dapat informasi dan susahnya alat transportasi umum di tempat kami. Oleh karena itu, kami sangat membutuhkan telekomunikasi yang baik untuk memperlancar dan mempercepat semua urusan kami. Sayang sekali telekomunikasi yang sangat kami harapkan hanya impian belaka, sangat susah sekali kami mendapatkan sinyal. Hal ini juga terjadi di kampung halaman ibu saya. Daerahnya memang terpencil, tapi di sana tinggal ratusan keluarga. Secara finansial mereka mampu. Hampir setiap rumah memiliki kendaraan bermotor. Jadi, transportasi bukan masalah bagi mereka. Listrikpun belum masuk ke desa tersebut, tapi itu tak masalah bagi mereka. Mereka membeli mesin diesel untuk bisa menikmati listrik. Yang jadi masalah adalah sinyal. Mereka butuh bertelekomunikasi karena jarak mereka yang jauh dari pusat. Kalau untuk mendapatkan listrik mereka bisa membeli alatnya, tapi untuk mendapatkan sinyal tentu saja mereka tidak bisa membeli alatnya.
Banyak kisah lucu, sedih, dan konyol yang terjadi gara-gara “sang sinyal”, baik yang saya alami sendiri maupun dari yang saya lihat. Yang paling membekas di pikiran saya adalah ketika saya masih SMA. Saya bersekolah di SMA yang berbeda kecamatan dengan tempat tinggal saya yang berjarak sekitar 30 km. Saya mendapat nilai 5 untuk nilai olahraga karena saya tidak ikut ujian mid. Teman saya memberi tahu melalui sms saya kalau sore itu ada ujian praktik. Karena kualitas sinyal yang jelek, saya baru menerima sms tersebut pada sore hari. Padahal sms tersebut dikirim pagi hari. Ujiannya jam 2 siang, sedangkan smsnya masuk jam 3 sore. Gara-gara sinyal, nilai rapor saya jadi sangat anjlok. Kejadian sms “telat” itu sering sekali terjadi. Sekarang saya kuliah jauh dari orang tua, telekomunikasi merupakan hal yang utama bagi kami. Namun, karena kualitas sinyal yang jelek kami jadi susah untuk bertelekomunikasi. Sungguh menyedihkan sekali. Kisah “sinyal” tetangga saya lebih unik lagi, mereka sering jalan keliling rumahnya untuk mendapat sinyal. Yang lucunya, ada beberapa dari mereka menelepon di pohon. Mereka memanjat pohon untuk mendapat sinyal yang bagus. Yang lebih parah lagi, bahkan ada yang memanjat sampai ke atap rumah hanya untuk menelepon. Parah…!
Kenapa operator telekomunikasi tidak membangun tower pemancar sinyal di daerah perbatasan dan terpencil ? Padahal kalau operator telekomunikasi membangun tower pemancar sinyal di daerah tersebut, pelanggannya bisa bertambah banyak. Dengan membangun tower tersebut berarti turut membantu memperlancar telekomunikasi bagi yang tinggal di daerah tersebut. Betapa perlunya pembangunan jaringan dan penyediaan layanan jasa telekomunikasi di wilayah terpencil dan perbatasan melalui dana dari operator telekomunikasi. Kalau bukan dari operator telekomunikasi, dari siapa lagi??
Begitu banyak kekurangan yang kita dapati kalau kita tinggal di daerah perbatasan apalagi kalau daerah terpencil. Semuanya serba susah. Dalam hal ini saya akan menyinggung tentang telekomunikasi. Telekomunikasi merupakan hal yang sangat mereka perlukan. Mereka tinggal jauh dari pusat kota, jauh dari keramain. Telekomunikasi merupakan salah satu hal yang mereka perlukan selain transportasi. Dengan adanya telekomunikasi yang bagus dan lancar, setidaknya masalah yang mereka hadapi sebagai “orang pinggiran” bisa sedikit berkurang. Biasanya di daerah ini layanan telepon rumah tidak ada karena terkendala jarak yang jauh. Hp merupakan satu-satunya alternatif untuk bertelekomunikasi bagi yang tinggal di daerah ini.
Namun, biasanya jaringan dan penyediaan jasa telekomunikasi yang baik dan berkualitas hanya hanya terpusat di pusat kota. Daerah terpencil dan perbatasan hanya dapat sedikit “percikan sinyal” yang nyasar dari pusat kota. Saya tahu baik semua masalah ini karena saya tinggal di daerah perbatasan. Saya mewakili suara orang-orang yang tinggal di perbatasan. Memang banyak kendala yang harus kami hadapi karena tinggal di perbatasan. Kami sering terlambat dapat informasi dan susahnya alat transportasi umum di tempat kami. Oleh karena itu, kami sangat membutuhkan telekomunikasi yang baik untuk memperlancar dan mempercepat semua urusan kami. Sayang sekali telekomunikasi yang sangat kami harapkan hanya impian belaka, sangat susah sekali kami mendapatkan sinyal. Hal ini juga terjadi di kampung halaman ibu saya. Daerahnya memang terpencil, tapi di sana tinggal ratusan keluarga. Secara finansial mereka mampu. Hampir setiap rumah memiliki kendaraan bermotor. Jadi, transportasi bukan masalah bagi mereka. Listrikpun belum masuk ke desa tersebut, tapi itu tak masalah bagi mereka. Mereka membeli mesin diesel untuk bisa menikmati listrik. Yang jadi masalah adalah sinyal. Mereka butuh bertelekomunikasi karena jarak mereka yang jauh dari pusat. Kalau untuk mendapatkan listrik mereka bisa membeli alatnya, tapi untuk mendapatkan sinyal tentu saja mereka tidak bisa membeli alatnya.
Banyak kisah lucu, sedih, dan konyol yang terjadi gara-gara “sang sinyal”, baik yang saya alami sendiri maupun dari yang saya lihat. Yang paling membekas di pikiran saya adalah ketika saya masih SMA. Saya bersekolah di SMA yang berbeda kecamatan dengan tempat tinggal saya yang berjarak sekitar 30 km. Saya mendapat nilai 5 untuk nilai olahraga karena saya tidak ikut ujian mid. Teman saya memberi tahu melalui sms saya kalau sore itu ada ujian praktik. Karena kualitas sinyal yang jelek, saya baru menerima sms tersebut pada sore hari. Padahal sms tersebut dikirim pagi hari. Ujiannya jam 2 siang, sedangkan smsnya masuk jam 3 sore. Gara-gara sinyal, nilai rapor saya jadi sangat anjlok. Kejadian sms “telat” itu sering sekali terjadi. Sekarang saya kuliah jauh dari orang tua, telekomunikasi merupakan hal yang utama bagi kami. Namun, karena kualitas sinyal yang jelek kami jadi susah untuk bertelekomunikasi. Sungguh menyedihkan sekali. Kisah “sinyal” tetangga saya lebih unik lagi, mereka sering jalan keliling rumahnya untuk mendapat sinyal. Yang lucunya, ada beberapa dari mereka menelepon di pohon. Mereka memanjat pohon untuk mendapat sinyal yang bagus. Yang lebih parah lagi, bahkan ada yang memanjat sampai ke atap rumah hanya untuk menelepon. Parah…!
Kenapa operator telekomunikasi tidak membangun tower pemancar sinyal di daerah perbatasan dan terpencil ? Padahal kalau operator telekomunikasi membangun tower pemancar sinyal di daerah tersebut, pelanggannya bisa bertambah banyak. Dengan membangun tower tersebut berarti turut membantu memperlancar telekomunikasi bagi yang tinggal di daerah tersebut. Betapa perlunya pembangunan jaringan dan penyediaan layanan jasa telekomunikasi di wilayah terpencil dan perbatasan melalui dana dari operator telekomunikasi. Kalau bukan dari operator telekomunikasi, dari siapa lagi??
Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011
Just let them barking
apapun mimpimu, cobalah untuk meraihnya.
Berusahalah dengan segenap kekuatan dan semangat yang kau punya.
Jangan hiraukan kata-kata miring yang ada disekitarmu.
Just let them barking. It's your life.
Kamulah yang berhak mengatur hidupmu karena ini hidupmu.
Tak ada yang tak mungkin selama kamu mau berusaha dan tak kenal kata lelah.
Nothing is impossible...!!
Try, try, try.....!!!
You can, you can, you can...!!
Tunjukkan pada dunia kalau kamu bisa...!!
Kalau orang lain bisa, kenapa kamu tidak??!!
Keep spirit...!! And don't forget to pray... ^_^
Berusahalah dengan segenap kekuatan dan semangat yang kau punya.
Jangan hiraukan kata-kata miring yang ada disekitarmu.
Just let them barking. It's your life.
Kamulah yang berhak mengatur hidupmu karena ini hidupmu.
Tak ada yang tak mungkin selama kamu mau berusaha dan tak kenal kata lelah.
Nothing is impossible...!!
Try, try, try.....!!!
You can, you can, you can...!!
Tunjukkan pada dunia kalau kamu bisa...!!
Kalau orang lain bisa, kenapa kamu tidak??!!
Keep spirit...!! And don't forget to pray... ^_^
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Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011
Being a college student sounds cool, really cool. No uniform anymore, saying good bye to your boring uniform. For me, graduating from senior high school is one of beautiful memory in my life. From that moment I can be maturer, at least I have to try for it. Saying good bye to my “teenage” time and I hope I can get my freedom life. It’s time for living far from my parents and I have to be an independent girl. Being a college student is one of my big dream. Over all, I feel so happy.
Now, I’m a college student, in the second year. I feel so cool. Hahahaha ^_^ Good bye senior high school, good bye all of my annoying teachers who often said that I won’t be what I want to be ( I will get all of my dreams). Huh, I really hate my senior high school. Almost all of my teachers were annoying ( oops, sorry. But, it’s real. I have to tell the truth). I’m going to one of state university in my city. Even it’s still in my city, I need about 6 hours to go to this university. So, I have to live in a boarding house. Living far from from my beloved mom( my father passed away two years ago), it’s so sad. It’s for my bright future, I have to do it.
In the first year, I lived in a dorm. That was an Islamic dorm. The location of that dorm is so good, downtown. Everything is available near from that dorm. There were 25 tenants, so crowded with a small dorm. There were so many activities there that made me can’t face anymore. I also had so much different ideas with them. Finally, I moved from that dorm. Now, let’s talk about my new boarding house. It’s a nice share boarding house. It’s in front of a big mosque. My room is at the first floor. I share the room with someone from another major, but we are in the same second year. She is nice even often annoying, too. The owners of this boarding house are 4 handsome boys and they are college students, too. Just skip it ( Hahhahahaha ) ^_^
Now, let’s talk about my classmates. They are really nice and friendly. They make me laugh almost every day in all of our lectures. We have so many time for having fun. We often hang out together and traveling, too. I really love all of them. I’m prouf of being their friend. My classmates are smarts, almost all of them. ^_^
Oops, have I said my major?? I think not yet. My major is English literature. It’s a good major in this university. I love this major. I hope one day I can study abroad as my mom wish. Finally, being a college student is reall cool and interesting. Almost every night, I still awake at midnight because of my assignments. My assignments almost kill me….!! ^_^ Hahahahahhaha
I’ll kill all of them, step by step of course. I love being busy.
I love all of my assignments. ^_^
Now, I’m a college student, in the second year. I feel so cool. Hahahaha ^_^ Good bye senior high school, good bye all of my annoying teachers who often said that I won’t be what I want to be ( I will get all of my dreams). Huh, I really hate my senior high school. Almost all of my teachers were annoying ( oops, sorry. But, it’s real. I have to tell the truth). I’m going to one of state university in my city. Even it’s still in my city, I need about 6 hours to go to this university. So, I have to live in a boarding house. Living far from from my beloved mom( my father passed away two years ago), it’s so sad. It’s for my bright future, I have to do it.
In the first year, I lived in a dorm. That was an Islamic dorm. The location of that dorm is so good, downtown. Everything is available near from that dorm. There were 25 tenants, so crowded with a small dorm. There were so many activities there that made me can’t face anymore. I also had so much different ideas with them. Finally, I moved from that dorm. Now, let’s talk about my new boarding house. It’s a nice share boarding house. It’s in front of a big mosque. My room is at the first floor. I share the room with someone from another major, but we are in the same second year. She is nice even often annoying, too. The owners of this boarding house are 4 handsome boys and they are college students, too. Just skip it ( Hahhahahaha ) ^_^
Now, let’s talk about my classmates. They are really nice and friendly. They make me laugh almost every day in all of our lectures. We have so many time for having fun. We often hang out together and traveling, too. I really love all of them. I’m prouf of being their friend. My classmates are smarts, almost all of them. ^_^
Oops, have I said my major?? I think not yet. My major is English literature. It’s a good major in this university. I love this major. I hope one day I can study abroad as my mom wish. Finally, being a college student is reall cool and interesting. Almost every night, I still awake at midnight because of my assignments. My assignments almost kill me….!! ^_^ Hahahahahhaha
I’ll kill all of them, step by step of course. I love being busy.
I love all of my assignments. ^_^
Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011
Trust me
I don't care if you're younger than me.
I don't care if you're so far away.
No matter how far you are.
even I can't see you in my real life,
even i never see you in front of my eyes,
I don't understand what happen to me now,
just let it flow.
I can't stop loving you until now, I can't.
You always make me laugh and smile.
hahahahahah :D
Thinking of you every time,
You support me in my life,
you give me spirit even you never realize that,
I hope you will be real for me.
I wish you were here,
hold my hand and then say, " trust me, you can pass this situation."
you will never know how important you are for me, for my life and my lectures.
I get my self confidence because of you.
you make me realize that I'm smart, I'm an independent girl.
I hope one day we will meet and life together as we wish.
may Allah bless us.
finally, thank you a billion...... ^_^
Be a smart and pious boy....!
hahahahah :D
I don't care if you're so far away.
No matter how far you are.
even I can't see you in my real life,
even i never see you in front of my eyes,
I don't understand what happen to me now,
just let it flow.
I can't stop loving you until now, I can't.
You always make me laugh and smile.
hahahahahah :D
Thinking of you every time,
You support me in my life,
you give me spirit even you never realize that,
I hope you will be real for me.
I wish you were here,
hold my hand and then say, " trust me, you can pass this situation."
you will never know how important you are for me, for my life and my lectures.
I get my self confidence because of you.
you make me realize that I'm smart, I'm an independent girl.
I hope one day we will meet and life together as we wish.
may Allah bless us.
finally, thank you a billion...... ^_^
Be a smart and pious boy....!
hahahahah :D
For someone who has changed my life.
Murah itu Berkah
Begitu banyak operator selular di Indonesia sekarang, menjamur. Hampir seluruh masyarakat Indonesia memakai handphone. Mulai dari yang tua, muda, kaya, “kurang kaya”, anak sekolah ataupun yang putus sekolah, pokoknya hampir semua deh. Harga telepon selularpun sudah tidak semahal yang dulu, sudah banyak yang terjangkau oleh kalangan menengah ke bawah. Yang menjadi permasalahan sekarang bukan harga handphonenya, tapi tarif telekomunikasinya. Bukan rahasia lagi kalau masyarakat, termasuk saya, sering gonta-ganti operator. Hal itu bukan karena nomor yang diblokir atau nomor hpnya kurang unik, tapi karena tarifnya yang mahal. Saya sering gonta-ganti operator karena sudah tidak sanggup lagi menanggung tarifnya yang mahal. Saya ganti ke operator yang iklannya sedang gencar di tv. Biasanya saya ganti ke operator yang “katanya” murah. Tetapi, beberapa bulan kemudian saya ganti operator lagi karena tarif operator yang sebelumnya sudah mulai mahal. Tarif murah cuma saat promo, beberapa saat kemudian kembali normal seperti tarif operator lain alias mahal. Pengeluaran untuk membeli pulsa termasuk pengeluaran yang besar. Pengeluaran ini bukan pengeluaran per bulan, tapi per minggu. Pulsa merupakan pengeluaran pokok yang besar yang mau tak mau harus dibayar. Saya sebagai masyarakat awam, mahasiswa orang awam juga kan, sangat berharap sekali tarif telekomunikasi dimurahkan sehingga tidak menjadi momok yang menakutkan lagi. Saya yakin akan ada dampak positif yang nyata kalau tarif telekomunikasi murah, terutama dalam upaya peningkatan kualitas hidup masyarakat Indonesia.
Dampak pertama yang pasti akan terjadi kalau tarif telekomunikasi murah adalah hemat, masyarakat bisa lebih hemat. Pengeluaran bisa sedikit berkurang. Bayangkan saja kalau dalam satu keluarga terdiri dari lima orang, ayah, ibu, dan tiga anak yang masih sekolah. Masing-masing dari mereka punya hp. Anggap saja masing-masing menghabiskan pulsa Rp30.000 per bulan. Berarti pengeluaran untuk pulsa Rp150.000 per bulan. Pengeluaran itupun belum bisa dipastikan, bisa jadi lebih dari itu. Hal itu karena sekarang hp bukan lagi hanya sekadar untuk menelepon dan mengirim sms, hp juga bisa untuk ngenet. Hampir seluruh anak sekolah di Indonesia addicted by the internet, terutama facebook. Situs jejaring sosial itu hampir setiap hari diakses. Indonesia masuk dalam peringkat lima besar pengguna facebook terbanyak di dunia. Jadi, orang tua akan mengeluarkan uang ekstra “hanya” untuk pulsa. Kebutuhan yang lainpun masih banyak, termasuk kebutuhan sekolah anak-anak mereka. Kalau saja tarif telekomunikasi di Indonesia murah, setidaknya pengeluaran para orang tua bisa sedikit berkurang. Uang yang seharusnya dipakai untuk membeli pulsa bisa dipakai untuk keperluan lain yang lebih penting dan berguna daripada pulsa.
Dampak lainnya yaitu setiap warga negara Indonesia akan mempunyai hp. Mereka akan selalu keep in touch dengan orang yang mereka sayangi walaupun jarak mereka sangat jauh. Setiap masyarakat Indonesia mampu membeli hp karena harganya tidaklah begitu mahal, yang mahal justru tarif telekomunikasinya. Hp sudah ada dan tarif telekomunikasipun murah, komplitlah sudah. Para orang tua tidak perlu khawatir yang berlebihan lagi kalau anak mereka berada jauh dari jangkauan mereka. Para orang tua bisa menelepon anaknya setiap saat untuk memastikan keadaan anaknya. Ini penting sekali bagi anak yang kuliah di luar kota dan tinggal jauh dari orang tua. Sebagian besar orang tua khawatir akan anaknya kalau jauh dari mereka dan kadang tidak mengizinkan anaknya untuk pergi jauh dari mereka. Kalau tarif telekomunikasi murah, mereka bisa saling berkomunikasi setiap saat walaupun mereka sudah tidak bersama lagi.
Masih tentang keep in touch, tarif telekomunikasi untuk keluar negeri seharusnya sedikit lebih murah. Itu penting sekali untuk “pahlawan devisa” kita, para TKI. Para pahlawan kita itu tersebar di beberapa negara dan umumnya mereka terkendala dalam hal komunikasi. Berada begitu jauh dari orang terkasih dan putus komunikasi adalah hal yang sangat menyedihkan sekali. Berkomunikasi melalui surat ? Kelamaan. Kalau saja tarif komunikasi murah, mereka ataupun keluarga mereka akan mudah saling berkomunikasi. Dengan demikian, mereka bisa bekerja dengan tenang di sana dan keluarga mereka yang di Indonesia pun tidak khawatir akan keadaannya di sana.
Sebenarnya begitu banyak dampak positif dari tarif telekomunikasi yang murah terhadap peningkatan kualitas hidup masyarakat Indonesia. Masyarakat bisa lebih hemat dan ekonomis dalam hal pengeluaran mingguan atau bulanan untuk pulsa. Uangnya bisa dipergunakan untuk keperluan lain yang mungkin lebih mendesak. Dengan tarif telekomunikasi yang murah pula, para orang tua tidak perlu lagi khawatir ketika anaknya kuliah di luar kota. Dengan demikian anak bisa lebh fokus menuntut ilmu dan menggapai cita-citanya demi kemajuan bangsa ini. Para TKI pun bisa lebih tenang mencari uang untuk hidup yang lebih baik di luar negeri sana karena tarif telekomunikasi yang murah. Keluarga merekapun tak perlu cemas tentang keadaannya karena mereka sering berkomunikasi. Akhirnya, tarif telekomunikasi yang murah benar-benar bisa meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat Indonesia. Semoga saja tarif telekomunikasi di negara kita yang tercinta ini memang benar-benar murah, bukan hanya tarif promo seperti yang di tv. Semoga saja. ^_^
Dampak pertama yang pasti akan terjadi kalau tarif telekomunikasi murah adalah hemat, masyarakat bisa lebih hemat. Pengeluaran bisa sedikit berkurang. Bayangkan saja kalau dalam satu keluarga terdiri dari lima orang, ayah, ibu, dan tiga anak yang masih sekolah. Masing-masing dari mereka punya hp. Anggap saja masing-masing menghabiskan pulsa Rp30.000 per bulan. Berarti pengeluaran untuk pulsa Rp150.000 per bulan. Pengeluaran itupun belum bisa dipastikan, bisa jadi lebih dari itu. Hal itu karena sekarang hp bukan lagi hanya sekadar untuk menelepon dan mengirim sms, hp juga bisa untuk ngenet. Hampir seluruh anak sekolah di Indonesia addicted by the internet, terutama facebook. Situs jejaring sosial itu hampir setiap hari diakses. Indonesia masuk dalam peringkat lima besar pengguna facebook terbanyak di dunia. Jadi, orang tua akan mengeluarkan uang ekstra “hanya” untuk pulsa. Kebutuhan yang lainpun masih banyak, termasuk kebutuhan sekolah anak-anak mereka. Kalau saja tarif telekomunikasi di Indonesia murah, setidaknya pengeluaran para orang tua bisa sedikit berkurang. Uang yang seharusnya dipakai untuk membeli pulsa bisa dipakai untuk keperluan lain yang lebih penting dan berguna daripada pulsa.
Dampak lainnya yaitu setiap warga negara Indonesia akan mempunyai hp. Mereka akan selalu keep in touch dengan orang yang mereka sayangi walaupun jarak mereka sangat jauh. Setiap masyarakat Indonesia mampu membeli hp karena harganya tidaklah begitu mahal, yang mahal justru tarif telekomunikasinya. Hp sudah ada dan tarif telekomunikasipun murah, komplitlah sudah. Para orang tua tidak perlu khawatir yang berlebihan lagi kalau anak mereka berada jauh dari jangkauan mereka. Para orang tua bisa menelepon anaknya setiap saat untuk memastikan keadaan anaknya. Ini penting sekali bagi anak yang kuliah di luar kota dan tinggal jauh dari orang tua. Sebagian besar orang tua khawatir akan anaknya kalau jauh dari mereka dan kadang tidak mengizinkan anaknya untuk pergi jauh dari mereka. Kalau tarif telekomunikasi murah, mereka bisa saling berkomunikasi setiap saat walaupun mereka sudah tidak bersama lagi.
Masih tentang keep in touch, tarif telekomunikasi untuk keluar negeri seharusnya sedikit lebih murah. Itu penting sekali untuk “pahlawan devisa” kita, para TKI. Para pahlawan kita itu tersebar di beberapa negara dan umumnya mereka terkendala dalam hal komunikasi. Berada begitu jauh dari orang terkasih dan putus komunikasi adalah hal yang sangat menyedihkan sekali. Berkomunikasi melalui surat ? Kelamaan. Kalau saja tarif komunikasi murah, mereka ataupun keluarga mereka akan mudah saling berkomunikasi. Dengan demikian, mereka bisa bekerja dengan tenang di sana dan keluarga mereka yang di Indonesia pun tidak khawatir akan keadaannya di sana.
Sebenarnya begitu banyak dampak positif dari tarif telekomunikasi yang murah terhadap peningkatan kualitas hidup masyarakat Indonesia. Masyarakat bisa lebih hemat dan ekonomis dalam hal pengeluaran mingguan atau bulanan untuk pulsa. Uangnya bisa dipergunakan untuk keperluan lain yang mungkin lebih mendesak. Dengan tarif telekomunikasi yang murah pula, para orang tua tidak perlu lagi khawatir ketika anaknya kuliah di luar kota. Dengan demikian anak bisa lebh fokus menuntut ilmu dan menggapai cita-citanya demi kemajuan bangsa ini. Para TKI pun bisa lebih tenang mencari uang untuk hidup yang lebih baik di luar negeri sana karena tarif telekomunikasi yang murah. Keluarga merekapun tak perlu cemas tentang keadaannya karena mereka sering berkomunikasi. Akhirnya, tarif telekomunikasi yang murah benar-benar bisa meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat Indonesia. Semoga saja tarif telekomunikasi di negara kita yang tercinta ini memang benar-benar murah, bukan hanya tarif promo seperti yang di tv. Semoga saja. ^_^
Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011
Leave me if you don't like me
You can leave me if you don't like me anymore,
You can leave me if you think that I'm annoying,
You can leave me whenever you want,
Even I'll so sad and crying, ignore me,
Leave me if you can feel free and happy,
I won't angry if you leave me alone in this memorial place,
I know that you'll forget all of our beautiful memories as easy as you forget me,
I won't angry if someday you meet me in the street and you don't recognize me,
I won't ask you to stay with me, I will NOT,
I won't miss you, I will NOT,
I will delete you as one of my friend,
you're in my black list now,
You hurt me, really.
You're a turncoat,
You're so selfish,
You're annoying,
You have a terrible voice, really,
hmm, what else???
hahahhaaha ^_^ what'ver,,,,,,,,,,,,,!!
I don't care.
Use your own business.
Go away....
Never ever come back.
Good bye my ex-roommate.....
hope that you get someone that annoying too , so she will suit you.
My life will be better if you're far away..... ^_^
You can leave me if you think that I'm annoying,
You can leave me whenever you want,
Even I'll so sad and crying, ignore me,
Leave me if you can feel free and happy,
I won't angry if you leave me alone in this memorial place,
I know that you'll forget all of our beautiful memories as easy as you forget me,
I won't angry if someday you meet me in the street and you don't recognize me,
I won't ask you to stay with me, I will NOT,
I won't miss you, I will NOT,
I will delete you as one of my friend,
you're in my black list now,
You hurt me, really.
You're a turncoat,
You're so selfish,
You're annoying,
You have a terrible voice, really,
hmm, what else???
hahahhaaha ^_^ what'ver,,,,,,,,,,,,,!!
I don't care.
Use your own business.
Go away....
Never ever come back.
Good bye my ex-roommate.....
hope that you get someone that annoying too , so she will suit you.
My life will be better if you're far away..... ^_^
Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011
nyari uang atau tetap jadi pengemis abadi??
gak terasa udah semester 3 aja. umurpun udah semakin tua. teman-teman udah pada banyak yang mulai nyari duit buat nambah uang jajan, ya setidaknya buat beli pulsa lah...
umumnya sih mereka pada jualan. salut banget deh ama temen-temenku. nah, aku ngapain aja??
au ah, gelap. :'(
sampai sekarang masih aja jadi pengemis abadi sama mamaku tersayang. sebenarnya sih kasihan banget sama mama, apalagi ayahku udah meninggal dua tahun yang lalu. Jangan bilang aku gak mau nyari duit sendiri, mau banget...!! tapi, gimana caranya???
sampe sekarang aja aku belum tau kemampuanku apa... nasib... :(
sampai sekarang aku masih mutar otak gimana caranya buat nyari duit. aku maunya nyari duit make otak, bukan make otot.
hmmm, oke.
jurusanku sastra inggris. IP??? tinggi. pintar??? kata teman-teman iya. ^_^ mau jadi guru privat??? hahahaahahah belum PeDe, cuy..... kecuali yg aku ajarin anak SD. ^_^
aku juga belum punya pengalaman ngajar anak SD. aku ini orangnya gak sabaran. cepat marah and kesal getoh.... aku takut ntar para muridku kabur setelah belajar sehari sama aku. so, guru private, dicoret dari list.
next, nyari duit di internet.
Aku gapteknya gak ketulungan( walaupun aku sering dibilang addicted by the internet oleh teman-teman and ratu comment sejagat di FB). :(
ngertinya cuma yang standar-standar aja. make yahoo messenger aja belom ngerti ampe sekarang. tapi, kalo make skype aku ngerti. hehehheehehe :p
pokoknya, cara yang satu ini ribet banget. mending cara ini didelet aja deh.
then, jadi penulis... mau nulis apaan??? nulis novel?? ketinggian kayaknya... ^_^
dari dulu ampe sekarang gak kelar-kelar juga novel yang aku bikin. aku sok sibuk banget, sok gak ada waktu buat nulis. padahal cuma sibuk tiduran di kos... ^_^
ikut lomba tulis-menulis udah lumayan sering sih, tapi kagak pernah menang. hahahahahahahah :)
tapi, untuk hal ini, tulis-menulis, akan terus aku lanjutkan. lumayan..... pokoknya nulis....! meski gak pernah menang tiap kali ngirim tulisan, nulis tetap jalan terus. walaupun, orang pada mau muntah ( ????) baca tulisanku, go ahead.....!! lama-lama aku bakalan beken juga toh... (ha??? kok bisa)
teman sekelasku ada yang insult aku, katanya " hahaahahahah kamu gak bakalan beken kayak raditya dika, ranti." yeeee........!! ya gak lah. siapa pula yg mo raditya dika?? aku ya aku, RANTI.
I use my own way. walaupun sedikit inspired by Dika. hahahahahaha
apalagi ya???
buka jasa translet aja gimana???
oke gak???
kayaknya oke juga tuh... ^_^
mari mulai dari sekarang. aku udah dapet job pertama, dari teman sih. tp, gak apa-apalah ( meskipun aku gak dibayar sepersenpun, padahal ada 50 halaman. GILA...! ).
ini namanya trik menarik pelanggan. ^_^
tarif promo...
ntar kalo dah kelar ntu translet perdanaku, aku suruh deh ntu pelanggan pertamaku itu promosi besar-besaran. awas aja kalau dia gak mau, tak sobek-sobek mulutnya...
hahahahahahah :D
but, nothing is impossible in this world, girls....
there is a will, there is a way....
someone said that I'm crazy, He is wrong.....!!
I'm crazier.....
hahahahaahah ^_^
Earning money....
umumnya sih mereka pada jualan. salut banget deh ama temen-temenku. nah, aku ngapain aja??
au ah, gelap. :'(
sampai sekarang masih aja jadi pengemis abadi sama mamaku tersayang. sebenarnya sih kasihan banget sama mama, apalagi ayahku udah meninggal dua tahun yang lalu. Jangan bilang aku gak mau nyari duit sendiri, mau banget...!! tapi, gimana caranya???
sampe sekarang aja aku belum tau kemampuanku apa... nasib... :(
sampai sekarang aku masih mutar otak gimana caranya buat nyari duit. aku maunya nyari duit make otak, bukan make otot.
hmmm, oke.
jurusanku sastra inggris. IP??? tinggi. pintar??? kata teman-teman iya. ^_^ mau jadi guru privat??? hahahaahahah belum PeDe, cuy..... kecuali yg aku ajarin anak SD. ^_^
aku juga belum punya pengalaman ngajar anak SD. aku ini orangnya gak sabaran. cepat marah and kesal getoh.... aku takut ntar para muridku kabur setelah belajar sehari sama aku. so, guru private, dicoret dari list.
next, nyari duit di internet.
Aku gapteknya gak ketulungan( walaupun aku sering dibilang addicted by the internet oleh teman-teman and ratu comment sejagat di FB). :(
ngertinya cuma yang standar-standar aja. make yahoo messenger aja belom ngerti ampe sekarang. tapi, kalo make skype aku ngerti. hehehheehehe :p
pokoknya, cara yang satu ini ribet banget. mending cara ini didelet aja deh.
then, jadi penulis... mau nulis apaan??? nulis novel?? ketinggian kayaknya... ^_^
dari dulu ampe sekarang gak kelar-kelar juga novel yang aku bikin. aku sok sibuk banget, sok gak ada waktu buat nulis. padahal cuma sibuk tiduran di kos... ^_^
ikut lomba tulis-menulis udah lumayan sering sih, tapi kagak pernah menang. hahahahahahahah :)
tapi, untuk hal ini, tulis-menulis, akan terus aku lanjutkan. lumayan..... pokoknya nulis....! meski gak pernah menang tiap kali ngirim tulisan, nulis tetap jalan terus. walaupun, orang pada mau muntah ( ????) baca tulisanku, go ahead.....!! lama-lama aku bakalan beken juga toh... (ha??? kok bisa)
teman sekelasku ada yang insult aku, katanya " hahaahahahah kamu gak bakalan beken kayak raditya dika, ranti." yeeee........!! ya gak lah. siapa pula yg mo raditya dika?? aku ya aku, RANTI.
I use my own way. walaupun sedikit inspired by Dika. hahahahahaha
apalagi ya???
buka jasa translet aja gimana???
oke gak???
kayaknya oke juga tuh... ^_^
mari mulai dari sekarang. aku udah dapet job pertama, dari teman sih. tp, gak apa-apalah ( meskipun aku gak dibayar sepersenpun, padahal ada 50 halaman. GILA...! ).
ini namanya trik menarik pelanggan. ^_^
tarif promo...
ntar kalo dah kelar ntu translet perdanaku, aku suruh deh ntu pelanggan pertamaku itu promosi besar-besaran. awas aja kalau dia gak mau, tak sobek-sobek mulutnya...
hahahahahahah :D
but, nothing is impossible in this world, girls....
there is a will, there is a way....
someone said that I'm crazy, He is wrong.....!!
I'm crazier.....
hahahahaahah ^_^
Earning money....
Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011
Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011
It is period of technologies. Technologies are all around us. Technologies grow rapidly, every time. Almost all of people life with technologies and familiar with them. Internet is one of them. Internet makes life easier. People can do almost everything with the internet, such as selling their products, reading news, watching, searching all of information about everything, etc. There are many search engines in the internet. We just type the thing that we want to find, key word, on it and then we will find it. it is easy. These search engines, such as google, make the laziness for people, especially students. They lazy to think, lazy to read some books, and waste time on it.
First, search engines have made students lazy to think. They just need to type the information that they want to know on the search engines and they will find it then. There are many students just copy and paste the assignments from the internet. They do not do their assignments by them self and do not try to think about that assignments. Just search them on the search engines and done, no need to think. It is easy. I cannot imagine what will happen in the future if almost all of students do such that thing.
Second, many students lazy to read some books. Everything is available on the search engines. Just a few students go to the library to read some books. going to the library need time and tiring. They can search on the search engines what they need and just sit at their room comfortably. They also can do it while eating. It is simple. They do not need books anymore, search engines can help them. Maybe it's will difficult to find a library in the future because it is closed as the effect of the search engines. No one wants to go to the library.
Third, many students waste their time on search engines. It seems that they are addicted. They lazy to do other activities. Sometimes, they ignore their parents when they are calling or need any help from their children. Search engines are like best friends for them, so they will have time on them. They think that search engines make the happiness and joy for them.
Search engines make students easier to find their assignments. They do not need to think and read some books to do their assignments. They also waste time on them and can forget everything. They have been cough by the laziness. Easy and simple cause the laziness, it is search engines.
First, search engines have made students lazy to think. They just need to type the information that they want to know on the search engines and they will find it then. There are many students just copy and paste the assignments from the internet. They do not do their assignments by them self and do not try to think about that assignments. Just search them on the search engines and done, no need to think. It is easy. I cannot imagine what will happen in the future if almost all of students do such that thing.
Second, many students lazy to read some books. Everything is available on the search engines. Just a few students go to the library to read some books. going to the library need time and tiring. They can search on the search engines what they need and just sit at their room comfortably. They also can do it while eating. It is simple. They do not need books anymore, search engines can help them. Maybe it's will difficult to find a library in the future because it is closed as the effect of the search engines. No one wants to go to the library.
Third, many students waste their time on search engines. It seems that they are addicted. They lazy to do other activities. Sometimes, they ignore their parents when they are calling or need any help from their children. Search engines are like best friends for them, so they will have time on them. They think that search engines make the happiness and joy for them.
Search engines make students easier to find their assignments. They do not need to think and read some books to do their assignments. They also waste time on them and can forget everything. They have been cough by the laziness. Easy and simple cause the laziness, it is search engines.
Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011
Kenapa harus minta maaf???????????
Kalau aku tidak bersalah, aku tidak akan minta maaf. Jadi, jangan paksa aku untuk minta maaf....!! I just tell you the truth. Aku hanya bicara kenyataan, jadi jangan tersinggung. hahha Keep smile...!!
How come? I know that I'm not perfect, I'm annoying, but I'm cute ( haha just kidding).
Biaso lah ndaaaak????????????
I know that I'm not perfect, but I try to be perfect....!!
dan satu lagi, INI HARUS BENAR-BENAR KALIAN CAMKAN DI HATI KALIAN, AKU BUKAN BUK USTAZAH seperti seloroh kalian selama ini. Aku BENCI gelar itu....!! Aku hanya mematuhi ajaran agama, memakai jilbab sesuai aturan(menutupi dada), bukan alasan yg lain. THINK IT OVER!!!!!
All of you forgiven, but not forgotten....!!
ha,, how about this one???
wanna fight???
How come? I know that I'm not perfect, I'm annoying, but I'm cute ( haha just kidding).
Biaso lah ndaaaak????????????
I know that I'm not perfect, but I try to be perfect....!!
dan satu lagi, INI HARUS BENAR-BENAR KALIAN CAMKAN DI HATI KALIAN, AKU BUKAN BUK USTAZAH seperti seloroh kalian selama ini. Aku BENCI gelar itu....!! Aku hanya mematuhi ajaran agama, memakai jilbab sesuai aturan(menutupi dada), bukan alasan yg lain. THINK IT OVER!!!!!
All of you forgiven, but not forgotten....!!
ha,, how about this one???
wanna fight???
My lovely Friends
I love my Friends, especially my classmates. They understand me well, but they don't know me so well ( never mind, it's okay). I love you guys..... ^_^
haha,, I love this pict. so funny....
After speaking 1 class.
With Ms. Brita.
I love this moment( I wore hat, a beautiful hat)
the girls.
Haha, I hate this Photo( if you know where I'm in this photo you'll know why I hate this one)
what's going on??
haha,, I love this pict. so funny....
After speaking 1 class.
With Ms. Brita.
I love this moment( I wore hat, a beautiful hat)
the girls.
Haha, I hate this Photo( if you know where I'm in this photo you'll know why I hate this one)
what's going on??
Rabu, 25 Mei 2011
Ranti Muthmainnah (17391/ NK2-10)
Process 3
My name is Ranti Muthmainnah. Everyone call me Ranti or Muth. I am twenty years old. I am a student at State University of Padang in majoring English department. I have a colorful life. Let’s me tell you more about my self.
My parents have given me name “Ranti” because I was born in “Surantih”. My name is almost like a name of the place where I was born. Then, my last name is Muthmainnah. It is taken from Arabic language that means “ jiwa yang tenang” or a peaceful soul. A name is a doa (wishes), so my parents want me to be a good girl like my name. I am proud of my name. I have a nice and good name. According to me, my name is the best name all over the world.
I come from a small family. My parents are the nice people. They have done their best for me and my young brother. My father’s name is Aprizal. He was a civil servant. He passed away on 16th august 2009. My mother’s name is Erlin Suarni Jaya. She is a teacher of elementary school in our hometown. I only have one brother and no sister. He is eighteen years old. He is a student of senior high school at third grade.
I am like other people too, I have steps of schools. My elementary school was at SD 03 Koto Nan IV Ranah Pesisir. Then I continued my study to Padang, Junior High School 5 Padang, but I moved to my hometown when I was in second grade because I was sick. My Senior High School was at Senior High Scool 1 Ranah Pesisir.
When I was in senior high school, I had achievements in English language. I won a public speaking contest two times. I also won an english debate contest. I like studying English. I did my best in English. I have made my parents were proud of me.
Now, I go to The State University of Padang in majoring English department. I passed the exam in fourth choice, it was my last choice. Actually, I want to be a doctor but I did not pass it. I know I have ability in English, but I wanted to be a doctor. My mother also did not allow me to be a doctor, I did not know why. I will try to do my best in my major now. I do it for my lovely mother. She really wants me can study abroad later. I also hope so.
My life is never flat. Sometimes I cry, but after that I will laught. I do not always get all of my wishes. That is life. I will do my best if I can. No one know what will happen in the future later. Live your life enjoyly.
My picture ^_^
Process 3
My name is Ranti Muthmainnah. Everyone call me Ranti or Muth. I am twenty years old. I am a student at State University of Padang in majoring English department. I have a colorful life. Let’s me tell you more about my self.
My parents have given me name “Ranti” because I was born in “Surantih”. My name is almost like a name of the place where I was born. Then, my last name is Muthmainnah. It is taken from Arabic language that means “ jiwa yang tenang” or a peaceful soul. A name is a doa (wishes), so my parents want me to be a good girl like my name. I am proud of my name. I have a nice and good name. According to me, my name is the best name all over the world.
I come from a small family. My parents are the nice people. They have done their best for me and my young brother. My father’s name is Aprizal. He was a civil servant. He passed away on 16th august 2009. My mother’s name is Erlin Suarni Jaya. She is a teacher of elementary school in our hometown. I only have one brother and no sister. He is eighteen years old. He is a student of senior high school at third grade.
I am like other people too, I have steps of schools. My elementary school was at SD 03 Koto Nan IV Ranah Pesisir. Then I continued my study to Padang, Junior High School 5 Padang, but I moved to my hometown when I was in second grade because I was sick. My Senior High School was at Senior High Scool 1 Ranah Pesisir.
When I was in senior high school, I had achievements in English language. I won a public speaking contest two times. I also won an english debate contest. I like studying English. I did my best in English. I have made my parents were proud of me.
Now, I go to The State University of Padang in majoring English department. I passed the exam in fourth choice, it was my last choice. Actually, I want to be a doctor but I did not pass it. I know I have ability in English, but I wanted to be a doctor. My mother also did not allow me to be a doctor, I did not know why. I will try to do my best in my major now. I do it for my lovely mother. She really wants me can study abroad later. I also hope so.
My life is never flat. Sometimes I cry, but after that I will laught. I do not always get all of my wishes. That is life. I will do my best if I can. No one know what will happen in the future later. Live your life enjoyly.
My picture ^_^
My Mother, My Idol
Ranti Muthmainnah (17391/ NK2-10)
Describing idol
Process 5
Everyone in the world have an idol in their life. Idol is someone that you admire so much, maybe a singer, an actor, a football player, or a model. For me, my mother has been my idol since the day I was born. She is fifty years old. She has become a good mother for her children. She really loves her children.
She looks like a Chinese or maybe a Japanese. Almost all of her siblings have slanting eyes. My mother is really beautiful with her white skin, slanting eyes, and black straight hair. She has heavy shape and medium height. She looks more beautiful with her headscraft. Although she is begining to get wrinkles round her eyes, but she is still the most beautiful woman for me.
In 2009, my father passed away. We were so sad. She becomes a single parent now. My mother earns money to survive our life alone. She has worked as a teacher of elementary school in our hometown. She works full time and gives her children whatever they need and whenever they need it. She is really the greatest mother for me and for my young brother.
My mother said that she will not married again until she is die. There are many men want to be her husband after my father passed away but she rejected all of them. No one can change our father in her heart. She really loves her husband. For her, only one man forever.
I have a big question in my mind, “What can I do to pay back my mom’s love since I was born? What have I done?”. I only can study hard in the college and be a good girl. I will do my best to her because she is my everything, so I will do everything for her.
My mother will always be my idol forever. She is the best and the greatest mother in the world. She always understands her children well and always gives her best for me and for my brother. I really love my mother. I love you mom.
My lovely mother
Describing idol
Process 5
Everyone in the world have an idol in their life. Idol is someone that you admire so much, maybe a singer, an actor, a football player, or a model. For me, my mother has been my idol since the day I was born. She is fifty years old. She has become a good mother for her children. She really loves her children.
She looks like a Chinese or maybe a Japanese. Almost all of her siblings have slanting eyes. My mother is really beautiful with her white skin, slanting eyes, and black straight hair. She has heavy shape and medium height. She looks more beautiful with her headscraft. Although she is begining to get wrinkles round her eyes, but she is still the most beautiful woman for me.
In 2009, my father passed away. We were so sad. She becomes a single parent now. My mother earns money to survive our life alone. She has worked as a teacher of elementary school in our hometown. She works full time and gives her children whatever they need and whenever they need it. She is really the greatest mother for me and for my young brother.
My mother said that she will not married again until she is die. There are many men want to be her husband after my father passed away but she rejected all of them. No one can change our father in her heart. She really loves her husband. For her, only one man forever.
I have a big question in my mind, “What can I do to pay back my mom’s love since I was born? What have I done?”. I only can study hard in the college and be a good girl. I will do my best to her because she is my everything, so I will do everything for her.
My mother will always be my idol forever. She is the best and the greatest mother in the world. She always understands her children well and always gives her best for me and for my brother. I really love my mother. I love you mom.
My lovely mother
Writing 1
Essay about my hometown
Publish in the blog
My Hometown
Hi, I am Ranti. I want to tell you about my hometown, Pesisir Selatan, West Sumatera, Indonesia. Its capital is Painan.
It is far enough from padang. We can go there by public transportation that available from 6.00 a.m until 9.00 p.m. It is about 150 kilometers or five hours from Padang. The north of Pesisir Selatan is bordered by the city of Padang, the east by District of Solok and Jambi province, south by Bengkulu province, and the west by the Indonesian ocean.
Before the formation of the province of West Sumatera, Pesisir Selatan is part of The District of Pesisir Selatan and Kerinci period of Central Sumatera. Now, Pesisir Selatan become one district and Kerinci become one province, too.
The weather of Pesisir Selatan is hot but not too hot. In the morning and at night it is cold and at noon it is hot enough. At noon the temperature is about 23 to 32 degree Celsius and at night about 22 to 28 degree Celsius (based on Wikipedia).
Most of the Pesisir Selatan population depend on agriculture crops, fisheries and trade. The other potential power sources are the plantation and tourism. Plantation sector, especially oil palm plantation, has begun to grow rapidly since the last ten years which is located in District Pancung Soal, Basa Ampek Balai, and Lunang Silaut that involving several national investors.
Pesisir Selatan has beautiful natural panorama and fascinating. The nature is still clean and green because there is less factory and less vehicles so that the air is less pollution. Besides, Pesisir Selatan is famous by its beach. The beaches have beautiful under water marine life, clear, and white sand. We can run on the beach without sandals because it is clean and safety. There is no pollution in the sea so that we can do swimming and surfing.
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Pesisir Selatan is also known by its food, Rendang Lokan. Rendang lokan is a special food from one of the district of Pesisir Selatan, that is Air Haji. This food is so delicious. If you want to taste it, please come to this place. There are many seashells (lokan) at Muara Indrapura with a depth about 16 meters. When taking seashells, divers do not use the tool at all.
Pesisir Selatan is the most beautiful place that I have ever seen. I will always miss my hometown wherever I am. If you want to have the nice and the unforgetful experiences please come and visit my lovely hometown.
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Writing 1
Essay about my hometown
Publish in the blog
My Hometown
Hi, I am Ranti. I want to tell you about my hometown, Pesisir Selatan, West Sumatera, Indonesia. Its capital is Painan.
It is far enough from padang. We can go there by public transportation that available from 6.00 a.m until 9.00 p.m. It is about 150 kilometers or five hours from Padang. The north of Pesisir Selatan is bordered by the city of Padang, the east by District of Solok and Jambi province, south by Bengkulu province, and the west by the Indonesian ocean.
Before the formation of the province of West Sumatera, Pesisir Selatan is part of The District of Pesisir Selatan and Kerinci period of Central Sumatera. Now, Pesisir Selatan become one district and Kerinci become one province, too.
The weather of Pesisir Selatan is hot but not too hot. In the morning and at night it is cold and at noon it is hot enough. At noon the temperature is about 23 to 32 degree Celsius and at night about 22 to 28 degree Celsius (based on Wikipedia).
Most of the Pesisir Selatan population depend on agriculture crops, fisheries and trade. The other potential power sources are the plantation and tourism. Plantation sector, especially oil palm plantation, has begun to grow rapidly since the last ten years which is located in District Pancung Soal, Basa Ampek Balai, and Lunang Silaut that involving several national investors.
Pesisir Selatan has beautiful natural panorama and fascinating. The nature is still clean and green because there is less factory and less vehicles so that the air is less pollution. Besides, Pesisir Selatan is famous by its beach. The beaches have beautiful under water marine life, clear, and white sand. We can run on the beach without sandals because it is clean and safety. There is no pollution in the sea so that we can do swimming and surfing.
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Pesisir Selatan is also known by its food, Rendang Lokan. Rendang lokan is a special food from one of the district of Pesisir Selatan, that is Air Haji. This food is so delicious. If you want to taste it, please come to this place. There are many seashells (lokan) at Muara Indrapura with a depth about 16 meters. When taking seashells, divers do not use the tool at all.
Pesisir Selatan is the most beautiful place that I have ever seen. I will always miss my hometown wherever I am. If you want to have the nice and the unforgetful experiences please come and visit my lovely hometown.
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Selasa, 24 Mei 2011
Being Student of UNP or UNAND
Comparison Essay ( Process 3)
Ranti Muthmainnah (17391/ NK2-10)
Being Student of UNP or UNAND
There are two state universities in Padang, UNP and UNAND. Many students want to study in these universities. They choose UNP or UNAND because they are state university and they are cheaper than private university. The purpose of this essay is to contrast the differences between UNP and UNAND. The three main differences are location, majoring (educational and non-educational), and the building and environment.
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I am going to discuss about the location of UNP and Unand first. The location of UNP is at Air Tawar Barat. It is a crowded area. There is a big hotel and mall near this university, Basko. Then, UNAND’s location is at Limau Manis. This area is not as crowded as in UNP’s area.
The second difference between UNP and UNAND is about the majoring. In Unp, almost all of the majors are educational. This university prepare the students to be teachers, good teachers. There are many good and talented teachers graduated from this university. In other hand, the majoring in UNAND are non-education. If you do not want to be a teacher you can enter UNAND.
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The last different between UNP and UNAND is the building and the environment. In UNP, the style of buildings are different from one faculty to other faculty. There are not many trees in this university. This university is not green. In contrast, all of the buildings in UNAND are commonly same in style. The ares of UNAND is really wide. This are is the biggest building of university in Southeast asia. This area is at the hill. This are is really green, there are many tress. If you want to see the whole of UNP you can walk but if you want to see the whole of UNAND you can not walk, you can go by bus, motorcyle, or public transportation.
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Those are the three differences between UNP and UNAND. As we can see it comes down to a personal choice. If you want to be a teacher you can enter UNP, but if you do not want you can enter UNAND. It is up to you. Both of these universies are good in quality.
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Ranti Muthmainnah (17391/ NK2-10)
Being Student of UNP or UNAND
There are two state universities in Padang, UNP and UNAND. Many students want to study in these universities. They choose UNP or UNAND because they are state university and they are cheaper than private university. The purpose of this essay is to contrast the differences between UNP and UNAND. The three main differences are location, majoring (educational and non-educational), and the building and environment.
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I am going to discuss about the location of UNP and Unand first. The location of UNP is at Air Tawar Barat. It is a crowded area. There is a big hotel and mall near this university, Basko. Then, UNAND’s location is at Limau Manis. This area is not as crowded as in UNP’s area.
The second difference between UNP and UNAND is about the majoring. In Unp, almost all of the majors are educational. This university prepare the students to be teachers, good teachers. There are many good and talented teachers graduated from this university. In other hand, the majoring in UNAND are non-education. If you do not want to be a teacher you can enter UNAND.
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The last different between UNP and UNAND is the building and the environment. In UNP, the style of buildings are different from one faculty to other faculty. There are not many trees in this university. This university is not green. In contrast, all of the buildings in UNAND are commonly same in style. The ares of UNAND is really wide. This are is the biggest building of university in Southeast asia. This area is at the hill. This are is really green, there are many tress. If you want to see the whole of UNP you can walk but if you want to see the whole of UNAND you can not walk, you can go by bus, motorcyle, or public transportation.
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Those are the three differences between UNP and UNAND. As we can see it comes down to a personal choice. If you want to be a teacher you can enter UNP, but if you do not want you can enter UNAND. It is up to you. Both of these universies are good in quality.
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Senin, 25 April 2011
How To Be a Student of a State University
Ranti Muthmainnah (17391)
Procedure Essay (3)
After graduated from senior high school, most of students will continue their study to a university. Every student wants to enter a state university and also a famous university. In Indonesia, there are many ways to get into state university. There are UMB, PMDK, SNMPTN, and non-regular. Sometimes each of university make a special exam such as Simak UI, SMUP(Unpad), UM UGM, and etc.
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It is not easy to be a student of a state university. You must have enough money to pay the school fee. Not only that, to prepare your self to pass the exam, you have to buy books for studying about the exams. After that you must buy special pencils, pencils for computer because you need it to write your answer in the paper sheet when you are in exams. Also, do not forget to buy the eraser. You will need it to erase your answer if you are wrong in write your answers.
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After prepare the materials that you need, there are many steps that you must follow. The first thing is you must pass the final exam at school. Then, study hard to follow the exam for state university. After that if you pass the exam, finish the administration. You must pay the school fee. If you do not pass the exam, try again next year. You can try twice more.
First, the most important thing that you really need is you must pass the final exam at your school. If you do not pass this exam, you will not accept to be a student university. So, you must study hard to pass the final exam if you really want to be a student university.
Second, after pass the final exam at school you must follow the exam for state university. This exam is different from final exam at school, it is more difficult. So, you must study diligently and practice everyday. There is free time about 45 days before the exam. So, you still have enough time to prepare yourself well. It is better to you to take a private course. This private course will really help you to prepare yourself well. At this course you will be tought how to answer the questions quickly. The teachers will teach you the best way to answer the questions. There are many try out at this course. You will know your ability by these try out. You will try to reach high score from day to day. It will help you to pass the exam if you study seriously. You should try this course.
Third, if you have finished follow the exams, you have to patient to wait the result of the exam about a month. If you pass the exam, congratulation, you have studied hard for it. But, if you do not pass it, be patient and do not be sad. You can try next year, you still have twice chance more.
After you know that you pass the exam, finish the administration. Then, you must pay the school fee. After all of the requirements completed, you can start study. Now, you are a student of a state university.
That are the steps how to be the student of a state university. We need extra struggle to pass it. Study hard and keep spirit. Nothing impossible in this world.
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Procedure Essay (3)
After graduated from senior high school, most of students will continue their study to a university. Every student wants to enter a state university and also a famous university. In Indonesia, there are many ways to get into state university. There are UMB, PMDK, SNMPTN, and non-regular. Sometimes each of university make a special exam such as Simak UI, SMUP(Unpad), UM UGM, and etc.
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It is not easy to be a student of a state university. You must have enough money to pay the school fee. Not only that, to prepare your self to pass the exam, you have to buy books for studying about the exams. After that you must buy special pencils, pencils for computer because you need it to write your answer in the paper sheet when you are in exams. Also, do not forget to buy the eraser. You will need it to erase your answer if you are wrong in write your answers.
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After prepare the materials that you need, there are many steps that you must follow. The first thing is you must pass the final exam at school. Then, study hard to follow the exam for state university. After that if you pass the exam, finish the administration. You must pay the school fee. If you do not pass the exam, try again next year. You can try twice more.
First, the most important thing that you really need is you must pass the final exam at your school. If you do not pass this exam, you will not accept to be a student university. So, you must study hard to pass the final exam if you really want to be a student university.
Second, after pass the final exam at school you must follow the exam for state university. This exam is different from final exam at school, it is more difficult. So, you must study diligently and practice everyday. There is free time about 45 days before the exam. So, you still have enough time to prepare yourself well. It is better to you to take a private course. This private course will really help you to prepare yourself well. At this course you will be tought how to answer the questions quickly. The teachers will teach you the best way to answer the questions. There are many try out at this course. You will know your ability by these try out. You will try to reach high score from day to day. It will help you to pass the exam if you study seriously. You should try this course.
Third, if you have finished follow the exams, you have to patient to wait the result of the exam about a month. If you pass the exam, congratulation, you have studied hard for it. But, if you do not pass it, be patient and do not be sad. You can try next year, you still have twice chance more.
After you know that you pass the exam, finish the administration. Then, you must pay the school fee. After all of the requirements completed, you can start study. Now, you are a student of a state university.
That are the steps how to be the student of a state university. We need extra struggle to pass it. Study hard and keep spirit. Nothing impossible in this world.
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Senin, 14 Maret 2011
Writing 1
Essay about my hometown
Publish in the blog ( process 2)
My Hometown
Hi, I am Ranti. I want to tell you about my hometown, Pesisir Selatan, West Sumatera, Indonesia. Its capital is Painan.
It is far enough from padang. We can go there by public transportation that available from 6.00 a.m until 9.00 p.m. It is about 150 kilometers or five hours from Padang. The north of Pesisir Selatan is bordered by the city of Padang, the east by District of Solok and Jambi province, south by Bengkulu province, and the west by the Indonesian ocean.
Before the formation of the province of West Sumatera, Pesisir Selatan is part of The District of Pesisir Selatan and Kerinci period of Central Sumatera. Now, Pesisir Selatan become one district and Kerinci become one province, too.
The weather of Pesisir Selatan is hot but not too hot. In the morning and at night it is cold and at noon it is hot enough. At noon the temperature is about 23 to 32 degree Celsius and at night about 22 to 28 degree Celsius (based on Wikipedia).
Most of the Pesisir Selatan population depend on agriculture crops, fisheries and trade. The other potential power sources are the plantation and tourism. Plantation sector, especially oil palm plantation, has begun to grow rapidly since the last ten years which is located in District Pancung Soal, Basa Ampek Balai, and Lunang Silaut that involving several national investors.
Pesisir Selatan has beautiful natural panorama and fascinating. The nature is still clean and green because there is less factory and less vehicles so that the air is less pollution. Besides, Pesisir Selatan is famous by its beach. The beaches have beautiful under water marine life, clear, and white sand. We can run on the beach without sandals because it is clean and safety. There is no pollution in the sea so that we can do swimming and surfing.
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Pesisir Selatan is also known by its food, Rendang Lokan. There are many seashells (lokan) at Muara Indrapura with a depth about 16 meters. When taking seashells, divers do not use the tool at all.
Pesisir Selatan is the most beautiful place that I have ever seen. I will always miss my hometown wherever I am. Please come and visit my lovely hometown.
Writing 1
Essay about my hometown
Publish in the blog ( process 2)
My Hometown
Hi, I am Ranti. I want to tell you about my hometown, Pesisir Selatan, West Sumatera, Indonesia. Its capital is Painan.
It is far enough from padang. We can go there by public transportation that available from 6.00 a.m until 9.00 p.m. It is about 150 kilometers or five hours from Padang. The north of Pesisir Selatan is bordered by the city of Padang, the east by District of Solok and Jambi province, south by Bengkulu province, and the west by the Indonesian ocean.
Before the formation of the province of West Sumatera, Pesisir Selatan is part of The District of Pesisir Selatan and Kerinci period of Central Sumatera. Now, Pesisir Selatan become one district and Kerinci become one province, too.
The weather of Pesisir Selatan is hot but not too hot. In the morning and at night it is cold and at noon it is hot enough. At noon the temperature is about 23 to 32 degree Celsius and at night about 22 to 28 degree Celsius (based on Wikipedia).
Most of the Pesisir Selatan population depend on agriculture crops, fisheries and trade. The other potential power sources are the plantation and tourism. Plantation sector, especially oil palm plantation, has begun to grow rapidly since the last ten years which is located in District Pancung Soal, Basa Ampek Balai, and Lunang Silaut that involving several national investors.
Pesisir Selatan has beautiful natural panorama and fascinating. The nature is still clean and green because there is less factory and less vehicles so that the air is less pollution. Besides, Pesisir Selatan is famous by its beach. The beaches have beautiful under water marine life, clear, and white sand. We can run on the beach without sandals because it is clean and safety. There is no pollution in the sea so that we can do swimming and surfing.
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Pesisir Selatan is also known by its food, Rendang Lokan. There are many seashells (lokan) at Muara Indrapura with a depth about 16 meters. When taking seashells, divers do not use the tool at all.
Pesisir Selatan is the most beautiful place that I have ever seen. I will always miss my hometown wherever I am. Please come and visit my lovely hometown.
Kamis, 10 Maret 2011
jangan bersedih
Jangan bersedih Ranti. Masih ada Allah yng selalu bersamamu.Jalan hidup tak akan selamanya indah. Semua pasti akan berlalu. You are going to have a bright future, Ranti.
Rabu, 09 Maret 2011
What should I do??????????????????
Mamaku tinggal sendirian di rumah. Aku dan adikku di Padang sedangkan mamaku di kampung. Ya Allah, lindungilah selalu mamaku. Dia adalah satu-satunya harta berharta yang kumiliki sekarang.
Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011
Hi, I am Ranti. I want to tell you about my hometown, Pesisir Selatan, West Sumatera, Indonesia. Its capital is Painan. It is far enough from padang. It is about 150 kilometers or five hours from Padang. The north of Pesisir Selatan is bordered by the city of Padang, the east by District of Solok and Jambi province, south by Bengkulu province, and the west by the Indonesian ocean.It is a largest region district in West Sumatra province, with covered 574.989 hectare and had a shore along 218 KM. locate about 0°59′ – 2°28, 6’ of south latitude and 0°19′ – 101°18′ of east longitude.
Before the formation of the province of West Sumatera, Pesisir Selatan is part of The District of Pesisir Selatan and Kerinci period of Central Sumatera. Now, Pesisir Selatan become one district and Kerinci become one province, too.
The weather of Pesisir Selatan is hot but not too hot. In the morning and at night it is cold and at noon it is hot enough. At noon the temperature is about 23 to 32 degree Celsius and at night about 22 to 28 degree Celsius.
Most of the Pesisir Selatan population depend on agriculture crops, fisheries and trade. The other potential power sources are the mining, plantation and tourism. Plantation sector, especially oil palm plantation has begun to grow rapidly since the last ten years which is located in District Pancung Soal, Basa Ampek Balai, and Lunang Silaut that involving several national investors with the pattern of nucleus plantations and plasma.
Pesisir Selatan has a pretty beautiful natural panorama and fascinating. The nature is still clean and green because there is less factory and less vehicles so that the air is less pollution.There are some famous tourist attraction, such as:
1. Mandeh Beach (Tarusan)
2. Cubadak Island
3. Root Bridge ( Bayang )
4. Waterfall Bayang Sani ( Bayang )
5. Peak Langkisau ( Painan )
6. Carocok beach ( Painan )
7. Castle Portuguese on the island of Cingkuk (Painan)
8. The former gold mining in Salido
9. White Sand Beach in Kambang
10. Debris Palace Royal Inderapura in Muaro Sakai (Inderapura)
11. Palace Mande Rubiah in Lunang
And many other attractions that can be visited.
Pesisir Selatan is famous by its beach. The beaches have beautiful under water marine life, clear, and white sand. Come enjoy the breathtaking crystal blue waters and untouched white sand beaches.
Pesisir Selatan is also known by its food, Rendang Lokan (compatriots green mussel) shelled black. There are many seashells (lokan) at Muara Indrapura with a depth about 16 meters. When taking seashells, divers do not use the tool at all.
Pesisir Selatan is the most beautiful place that I have ever seen. I will always miss my hometown whereever I am. Please come and visit my lovely hometown.
Before the formation of the province of West Sumatera, Pesisir Selatan is part of The District of Pesisir Selatan and Kerinci period of Central Sumatera. Now, Pesisir Selatan become one district and Kerinci become one province, too.
The weather of Pesisir Selatan is hot but not too hot. In the morning and at night it is cold and at noon it is hot enough. At noon the temperature is about 23 to 32 degree Celsius and at night about 22 to 28 degree Celsius.
Most of the Pesisir Selatan population depend on agriculture crops, fisheries and trade. The other potential power sources are the mining, plantation and tourism. Plantation sector, especially oil palm plantation has begun to grow rapidly since the last ten years which is located in District Pancung Soal, Basa Ampek Balai, and Lunang Silaut that involving several national investors with the pattern of nucleus plantations and plasma.
Pesisir Selatan has a pretty beautiful natural panorama and fascinating. The nature is still clean and green because there is less factory and less vehicles so that the air is less pollution.There are some famous tourist attraction, such as:
1. Mandeh Beach (Tarusan)
2. Cubadak Island
3. Root Bridge ( Bayang )
4. Waterfall Bayang Sani ( Bayang )
5. Peak Langkisau ( Painan )
6. Carocok beach ( Painan )
7. Castle Portuguese on the island of Cingkuk (Painan)
8. The former gold mining in Salido
9. White Sand Beach in Kambang
10. Debris Palace Royal Inderapura in Muaro Sakai (Inderapura)
11. Palace Mande Rubiah in Lunang
And many other attractions that can be visited.
Pesisir Selatan is famous by its beach. The beaches have beautiful under water marine life, clear, and white sand. Come enjoy the breathtaking crystal blue waters and untouched white sand beaches.
Pesisir Selatan is also known by its food, Rendang Lokan (compatriots green mussel) shelled black. There are many seashells (lokan) at Muara Indrapura with a depth about 16 meters. When taking seashells, divers do not use the tool at all.
Pesisir Selatan is the most beautiful place that I have ever seen. I will always miss my hometown whereever I am. Please come and visit my lovely hometown.
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