my beautiful life

my beautiful life
Everybody is unique.

Senin, 14 Mei 2012

The Story between My Seatmate, My Brother, His Brother, and I

By Ranti Muthmainnah  (17391/NK2-10)
            Everyone has an unforgettable memory during childhood. I have some unforgettable memories during my childhood, but the most unforgettable is when I was in the first year at elementary school. I think for almost everyone it was one of an interesting day in the life, went to school where there is no mom, no dad, no brothers and sisters are with you. You felt afraid because it was a new environment with new people around you.
            At that time, for me, going to school was like going to hell. Why? I didn’t want to far from my lovely mom. I wanted to be with her for a whole day.
“I don’t want to go to school, mom. I’m afraid mom. I don’t like going to school!” I said.
“Don’t worry, my sweetie. You’ll enjoy your school day. You’ll have so many friends there.” Mom tried to encourage me.
“But, mom………….”
“No excuse for now. It’s your second chance.”
            Second chance?  Yeah, that was my second chance to go to elementary school. I had gone to elementary school the year before. That was just for a day. Oops, not, just for three hours. I still remember well that story till now, an event that I always regret till now. I didn’t go to kindergarten for my parents were busy. No one will wait for me when I was at kindergarten. We had a babysitter actually, but mom didn’t believe her. Mom was afraid if that babysitter couldn’t handle me well.
Mom said, “I can’t leave my daughter with that babysitter. I’m sure that she can’t handle my daughter well when I’m far from my sweetie. When my daughter is crying, no one can stop her doing it. She can cry for five hours! I’m afraid if that babysitter will be crazy for my daughter can’t stop crying, then she will leave my daughter. It’s better to let my daughter to go to the same elementary school where I teach there even thought she is still five years old. I will not be so worry about her anymore.”
What happened at that school? I went to that school with mom. I was so happy and smiled. There were a new bag, nice uniform, pencil, books, and beautiful shoes. That was Monday, so I followed a flag ceremony. I stood with other students on a yard under the hot sun light that made me so dizzy. I was like a melted ice cream, so hot. But, something wrong happened. I didn’t see my mom. I started worrying. I was crying.
“Why are you crying?” someone who stood next to me ask me.
“I can’t see my mom. She must have left me alone here.” I was crying.
“Who is your mom? Why is she here? My mom is not here.” She asked me.
“She is a teacher here.” I answered.
“Really? Who is her name?”
“Name? I don’t know.”
“What? How come you don’t know her name?” She was surprised.
“My mom said that I will get a big sin if I say her name, it’s rude. So, I will not say her name to you.”
“Hahahahha, stupid kid you are!”  She laughed.
            What happened next? I was crying as loud as I can in front of a classroom after that ceremony!
“ Moooooooooom!!  Where are you?? Don’t leave me alone. Mom, I don’t like all of people here.”
Then, mom was coming.
“ What’s wrong my sweetie? All of them are nice. No need to worry. I can’t always be with you. I have a class now. Look, that teacher is so nice and your classmates are friendly.”
I saw them all and they were smile at me.
“Come in, sweetie.” That teacher said.
No matter how hard they have tried to encourage me, I was still crying and didn’t want to study. I do hate school at that time. Finally, my mom gave up! No school for me. Hahaha

“Hey…..! Daydreaming heh?”  Suddenly mom shakes me.
I just kept in silent. She brought me back to real life again.
“You must thinking about last year, right?” Mom laughed.
“Yes mom.”
“Everything is going to be okay. We have to go now, we are almost late.”

Finally, I agreed to go to school.
There were so many strangers there. I felt so afraid and nervous for I didn’t know them all. It was so crowded. Then, my mom left me alone because she had to work. I was lonely at that new place, my first day at school.
“Hey…………..! Day dreaming heh??? Hahahaha “. She pinched me and ran then.
I was surprised. She wore the same uniform like me. I guess she must be a new student, too, just like me. She was so annoying. Then, I cried. But, no one care about me. Because they ignored me, I stop crying then. I thought that crying will be useless, just wasting my energy, when no one cared about me.
Then, the class started. Our first lesson was about introducing ourselves. I was surprised when I saw a girl who had pinched me. She was my classmate. Her name is Riri and it was her second time in the first grade. She didn’t have ability to read and count well, so she was still at that class for the second time. Our teacher name is Buk Ana. She is old and mom said that she was also her teacher in the elementary school.  Buk Ana wasn’t friendly for she didn’t smile at us.
She said,” Be a good kid. Don’t be naughty because I don’t like naughty kids”.
I was so afraid and scared. For me, she looked like a monster.
“Be careful with Buk Ana. She often got angry. She likes to pinch the students.” Riri whispered to me.
So, from the first day I could conclude that “school was a hell with some monsters over there”. I got stressed and dizzy.
Time was over. Mom came to pick me up with her big smile. I wanted to tell her about my teacher, but when I saw her smile I couldn’t tell it. I didn’t want that beautiful smile will disappear from her happy face.
“How was your school? Did you enjoy it?” She asked me with her happy face.
“Yeah, mom. I like all, the teacher and my classmates. They are nice and friendly.” I lied to her.
“Oh, good sweetie. I’m happy to hear that.” She looked so happy.
I went to school for the next day and so on. I always said to mom that all was well. Buk Ana often got angry at me because I was so late in writing. I was late in writing because I was afraid if she doesn’t like my handwriting, so I tried to write as well as I can.
“Hey, Ranti. What happened to you? Why are you so late in writing? Your friends have done it an hour ago. Hurry up! Don’t you want to go home? Time is almost over.” She said.
            I did the same thing almost every day, late in writing. I really saw that teacher as a monster, a big monster. One day, when I was writing I saw my classmate who sat next to me wet her pants! Oh my god. I saw her urine under her chair. But, no one realized it, just me and her of course. Then, I got closer to her.
“Hey, Dira. What are you doing?” I whispered.
“I’m writing, what else? You can see it”. She answered.
“I know that. But, I mean the water under your chair.”
Then I look down and point it out. She was surprised.
“That’s my drink.” She was afraid.
“Your drink? But you never bring a bottle of mineral water to school because your home is near from this school. Don’t lie, Dira. You wet your pants.” I laughed at her.
“Ssssst, Keep it in hush. I’m so afraid to go outside because of Buk Ana. I’m afraid if she won’t allow me to go toilet. Please don’t tell anyone about it, just you and I who know it. Promise?” She asked me to promise.
“Okay”. I promised.
I was thinking, “Why she did so? It’s easy to go to toilet. You just need to raise your hand and say to the teacher that you want to go to toilet. She will allow you to go then. Stupid she is.”
Then, I kept writing. For about next half hour, I wanted to pee. I couldn’t hold it anymore. But, I was so afraid to tell to Buk Ana that I wanted to go toilet.
Dira looked at me and whispered,” What happened? You seem so worry.”
I answered,” I want to go to toilet, but I’m afraid. What should I do?”
She said,” Do just what I did, wet your pants. There is no other way. That monster won’t allow you to go to toilet. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about it.”
I was so confused. Finally, I decided to wet my pants just like what Dira had done.
When time was up, I let my classmates went outside first. I didn’t want they know about my “embarrassing pee”. I hide my wet skirt with my bag, so no one knew it.
Time passed. I wasn’t  late in writing anymore. I was the smartest student in that classroom because I studied regularly at home. Everything was well, no need to worry anymore. I was so happy because I had so many friends and they all loved me as their friends.

            One day, when I was in math exam, I felt something wrong with my stomach. But, I ignored that feeling. Suddenly, I felt I want to pup. I couldn’t focus on my exam. There were still some questions that I had to answer. If I went to toilet, I wouldn’t have enough time for my exam. I tried to hold it. I could hold it for fifteen minutes. So, what happened next?  Can you guess? I wet my pants (again) and it was worse than before, pup.
No one knew it, but Riri, the girl who pinched me on my first day at school, was suspicious at me.
“Hey, Ranti must have pup for her smell like pup. She wet her pants.” She yelled after the class was over.
I said, “ No! I didn’t do it. She lies. Never ever trust her, guys. She is a naughty student.”
I was so afraid at that time. I didn’t want all of them know it. Fortunately, no one believed in Riri. What a relief!  Hahaha
That was my last time to wet my pants. I didn’t do that embarrassing moment anymore.
When I was at third grade, my brother was at first grade. He was talkative.
But, I was surprised when Buk Ana came to my classroom.
“Ranti, come here. Your brother wet his pants, I mean pup. You have to clean that mess.” She said in front of my classmates.
I was crying at that time. All of my classmate calm me down, except Riri and a boy, Preddy.
Riri laughed, “ hahhaha, Oh my god! Like sister like brother. He did what his sister had done!”
“Pup, pup, pup, pup. You pup and your brother pup. Pity you two! hahahha” Preddy yelled at me.
I ignored both of them. I didn’t know what I should do. I couldn’t clean that mess, disgusting. Suddenly, my aunty came. She said that she wanted to pick my brother up because my mom was busy, but she came earlier for seeing my brother while studying. Finally, she cleaned that mess. We love our aunty so much!
Next, when I was in the fifth grade, there was a surprising moment happened. It wasn’t about me and my brother anymore. It was about Preddy, a boy who yelled and laughed at me when my brother wet his pants. What happened? Her brother who was at first grade did pup! He cleaned that mess lonely. Poor boy! Hahaha
I smiled and said, “ Now you can feel what I felt last two years.”
He answered, “ Sorry, Ranti.”

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